Social Center, BitajSocial Center, Bitaj
From the urbanistic point of view, The “Social Center” project is conceived to be located near objects and facilities of a social function, such as schools, libraries etc. in the Bitaj village.
The “Qender Sociale” building is concepted to be located in a position respecting the urban distances with other objects and property borders, maintaing it’s parallelism with the existing roads infrastructure.
From the volumetric aspect, the building is concepted to be unique, compact with a high roof (the object’s height is estimated to be 4.80 meters), approximately the same height as the surrounding buildings, thus maintaing and completing the panoramic silouette of the country’s area.
The fasades are concepted in a simple and minimalistic style, with tall windows and side doors in order to create easy access to the object’s facilities.
The volume’s coloristic approach (the walls, windows, doors and roof) will be treated with calm color tones, matching the sorrounding ambient and bulidings.
Functionality wise, the object is concepted to have a massive conference hall with a podium, for activities, gatherings of social orientation, also three auxilary rooms for offices, a toilet, and a room which will be used for catering services and maintaince of cold bevarages and food during the activities that will take place there.